Fisher Law

with Christopher Doyle & Co

Tagline, website

In June 2023, I sent a cold pitch to Christopher Doyle & Co, an agency very well-respected amongst my design friends. In October 2023, I received an enquiry from James Fisher, referred by Christopher Doyle & Co, who was looking for a copywriter for his new law practice. 

My approach:

After getting to know the client and his goals, I refined Fisher Law’s tone of voice to be earnest (sincere not embellished), customer-centric (benefit-focused not emotional) and personable (relatable not formal).

I wrote some sample copy that was immediately approved — and then proceeded to create a tagline and write copy for the homepage, about page including profile, services descriptions and contact page.

The tagline, “Practical and personalised legal solutions,” is strong and clear, deliberating steering away from the hyperbolic language typical in the industry. The use of alliteration was intentional to create rhythm and subtly evoke a cohesive, pleasing feel.

To engage the reader, I wrote in second-person. I used descriptive language but intentionally focused on benefits, not emotional triggers, and maintained some formality by avoiding contractions. For example: “We understand that family-related legal issues are deeply personal and often complex, and we are here to guide you through one of life’s most challenging times.”

Given the field, the language is appropriately complex; I incorporated technical terms and more intricate sentence structures, such as compound sentences to contribute a tone of professionalism and land the depth of expertise. For example: “Having studied and worked in the law for over a decade, James works with his clients to achieve successful outcomes in a diverse range of matters – from the highly complex to everyday transactional matters.”

I also designed the website menu to align with the voice: “Our Practice” leans into the earnest and personable tone while “Our Expertise” conveys credibility. 

One of my passions and strengths is to make traditionally dry content more human — and so I really enjoyed this project. Thank you to Christopher Doyle & Co and Fisher Law for trusting me with it.

Click on the image to read my work in situ